
Wool Subscription Boxes Revealed


Haven’t gotten into our Wool Subscription Boxes yet?  Wondering what is in them and are they worth it?  We have had several phone calls over the past few days about what all is in the Wool Subscription Boxes, trying to figure out if you should sign up for the Limited Edition Box coming out in December.


I am here to tell you YES! You need to sign up for it!  It is going to be a little different the our Subscription Box as we have put a lot more items in this Box.  That is not to say that there isn’t a TON of other items in our regular box.  You will NOT be disappointed if you signed up for either one of these boxes.  With out further ado, here are the boxes that we have had.  We do have limited availability of a few of the previous Boxes.  We have March, July and September if you would like one of those boxes they are $82.00 plus shipping.



There are several other items that we put into each of the boxes but these are our main projects that we have been doing.  Each box is EXCLUSIVE to those that are doing each of the boxes.  Designs will be released 6-12 months after the Boxes have debuted with our Wool Box Subscribers.

We hope you enjoy these boxes as much as we love coming up with new ones for all of you.  This Limited Edition Box has been so much fun to do for you all!!  Make sure you sign up, you are not going to want to miss out!!

We are off to Market on Thursday!  Can’t wait to see all of the goodies that they have in Houston this year!


Primitive Gatherings


Limited Edition Holiday Wool Box


Many of you are subscribed to our bi-monthly wool box and know what they are all about, and some of you may be wondering what it is all about, now is your chance to try our Wool Box out!  This is going to be a Holiday Edition that will have exclusive items and projects to you at a discounted price.  This box is worth around $160.00 we are offering it to you for $105.00 ($115 for International orders), it will be in a protected box and this price includes shipping.

The Holiday Wool Box will NOT be “Holiday” themed…yes there might be a few things in there but this Box will have items and projects in them that are considered “Everyday” items and projects that you would use.

You will be CHARGED at the time that you place this order, due to many of the items being custom ordered from several small businesses we need to charge at the time of purchase.  This box will be shipped around the 15th of December so that it will arrive to you before it needs to go under the tree.  Let your loved ones know about this box that you would like for a gift, or buy one as a gift for yourself!

Do not delay in purchasing the box as we have ordered a limited quantity of our custom made items and do not want you to miss out.

Have a beautiful week!


Primitive Gatherings


Do you have a little one like me who likes Unicorns?

Do you have a little one like me who loves Unicorns?  I am going for Gold..going for the Auntie of the New Year with my little niece Hailey!  She is head over heals in love with Unicorns, everything is Unicorns with her.  Since the year absolutely got away from me with all of our adoption paperwork and stuff we had to do I was not able to make Hailey the quilt I wanted to get done.  Hailey is such an amazing little girl that I wanted to do something special for her this Christmas.  She loves coming and hanging out with her Aunt Jess and Uncle Phil’s house, that I knew I had to do something fun for her.


And when we were at Spring Market, Ruby Star Society debuted their Magic Unicorn Panel.  As soon as I saw it I knew I had to get it for Hailey.


There are  6 different projects on this one panel.

  1. The Main Panel 78″x98″
  2. Two sham fronts for pillows
  3. 18″ square throw pillow front
  4. Extra small panel 9″x19″
  5. Extra panel for maybe a Doll Quilt 28″x34″

The panel is made 100% Soft and Silky Cotton Sateen. The Cotton is amazing and can’t wait to get her all covered up in it!   I can’t wait to get the quilt back from my quilter and see what she did with it.


I know we have a few of these Panels left at the Shop, but make sure you grab those up soon they are only $69.99.   This would make a great Christmas Gift for your little one who loves Unicorns!!

Have a Beautiful Day,


Primitive Gatherings