
Just a few Helpful Hints for those of you doing Moon Garden…..



Have you signed up to participate with us in our Moon Garden Stitch A Long?  We have about 50 spots left if you would like to receive a fabric and wool kit from us or just a wool kit from us.  If you would like to do it on your own with your own wools and fabric you are more than welcome to do that!  For those of you that are in Round 3 of our Stitch A Long here is what these baskets look on the Black Muslin, absolutely stunning, and will allow for some awesome quilting! Lisa is doing a second sample on the Black Muslin as well.

As the time to ship out these kits draws closer and Lisa has finalized the instructions for the first few sets of blocks, it has come to our attention that there are a few things that might be helpful in your Moon Garden journey that we would like to pass along to you.

Our Charming Itty Bitty Ruler which is 5″x15″.  All stems will be 3/16″ wide, which is bigger than 1/8″ but smaller than 1/4″; our Charming Itty Bitty Ruler has a 3/16″ marking on it just for this purpose.  Lisa designs many of her patterns with a 3/16″ marking, which is why when she created this ruler with Creative Grids she had it put specifically on there. This makes it simple when she wants to go and cut stems for her projects.

There will also be several circles on each of your blocks, and instead of having to trace all those circles off of a piece of paper, we have a circle template that is perfect for you.  We are putting our Circle Template on Sale at this time for $10.00 (reg. $14.00) because we know how usefully this notion can be for you.  If you are anything like me (jessica) you hate trying to get those perfect circles by tracing off of a piece of paper.  I don’t know what it is but I can never make them circular, there is always something that goes wonky.  IMG_0136


NEW!!!!!! Please read! 

For those of you who will be doing the Stitch A Long on your own, but would like to receive the pattern from us, instead of having to go get full size sheets made else where, we will have the patterns available for sale on our website.  Patterns will be $5.00 plus shipping, and will be made available to you for the 12 months that we are doing this Stitch A Long.  Patterns will be available for a FREE download to you off of Lisa’s Blog for 1 month, once she posts the next block, the previous block will be taken down.  These patterns will go up when she posts on the Blog.  They are NOT available today, and will be posted in April with the First Block.  As you can see below these are full size patterns and they are normally patterns that we sell for $10.00-$12.00, so at $5.00 they are a steal!


Please let me know if you have any questions, Block #1 are getting finished this week so that they are ready to ship next week bright and early!

Enjoy your week and weekend,


Primitive Gatherings


Lisa’s Classes being held in Menasha, Wi

Rose of the Sea Web
Rose of the Sea-Working with Wool Class

We have a list of great classes for you to choose from that are being taught by Lisa Bongean here at the Menasha location.  Take a peak and sign up today as spots fill fast!

Working with Wool

Rose of the Sea Web

This workshop is great for beginners, and will cover all the basics of working with wool using fusible web. Students will be very happy with the quality and the end result of their project. Workshop will cover fusible, threads, embroidery stitches and finishing techniques. This workshop comes with a warning: working with these beautiful wools will change your world as you once knew it! All threads and notions will be available for purchase when you arrive for class. Contact the shop for a project supply list.

Class location will be based on number of students signed up, please contact the shop a day or two prior to class.

Rose of the Sea – $65 kit and pattern

Instructor: Lisa Bongean
Class Fee: $30, plus kit and supplies

Date: April 10

Time: 8am – 2pm
Please bring a lunch, or we can order out!

Designer Workshop

This Designer Workshop is going to be working with wool.  You are going to be able to Create your own project with the help of Lisa! Sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun!

$45, kit and pattern Instructor: Lisa Bongean
Class Fee: $30, plus kit and supplies
Date: August 27

Time: 8am – 2pm
Bring a lunch, or we can order out.


Working with Wool-Table Mat – To Be Determined….but wanted you to get a heads up about this class

Instructor: Lisa Bongean
Class Fee: $30, plus kit and supplies
Date: October 19
Time: 8am – 2pm
Project will be announced this summer on Lisa’s Blog!


Punch Needle Embroidery


Join Lisa in making your first punch needle project! These little projects are wonderful framed, placed on primitive bread boards (frames and bread boards are available through us) and would make wonderful gifts. You can choose from one of the many great designs we carry.

Classes will be held at our shop location, 850 Racine St. Menasha, WI.

Instructor: Lisa Bongean

Class Fee: $25, plus supplies

Dates: May 22, also offering it August 27

Time: 3pm – 5pm


Big-Stitch Hand Quilting


Do you want to learn to hand quilt your quilts? The big-stitch allows you to quickly complete your quilts with the satisfaction of completing the whole quilt yourself. This style of hand quilting is not the tiny little stitches. Stitches are 1/4” in length and are made using perle cotton. Class will cover basting, tools, battings and stitch mechanics. This class will be held in Lisa’s studio at our warehouse location, 1860 Bud Drive, Suite #101.

Instructor: Lisa Bongean
Class Fee: $25, plus supplies
Date: April 11 also offering it October 20
Time: 9am – 12pm
Contact the shop for a complete supply list.


Sit & Stitch

Bring your projects…get advice…ask questions…learn a new technique… get a sneak peek at our upcoming designs and hear about what’s happening at Primitive Gatherings!! You will not want to miss being a part of this sewing group…Lisa promises a good time as well as lots of stitching!
This group will meet at Lisa’s studio location- 1860 Bud Dr, Suite 101.

Class Fee: $30 per session, or $240 if you sign up for all 9 sessions!

Dates: Jan. 30, Feb. 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26,

Aug. 28, Oct. 23 & Dec. 18

Time: 9am – 2pm

Bring a lunch if you wish, or we can order out.
Spots will fill quickly, give us a call to add your name to the list!!


Wool Crazy Class – 2 Day Class Class

This 2 day workshop is excellent for intermediate students who have taken the “Working with Wool” class, and covers all of the basics of working with wool, including the construction of the “crazy” background, adding the wool applique and the embroidery stitches used to make this beautiful mat. Lisa offers many tips for working with fusible web, types of threads used for the various stitches, and finishing techniques. Join us to see what the buzz is all about-we are sure you will love working with wools as much as we do! This class will be held in Lisa’s studio at our warehouse location, 1860 Bud Drive, Suite #101

Instructor: Lisa Bongean
Class Fee: $100, plus kit and pattern.

The kits, patterns, threads and notions will be available for purchase when you arrive for class. Contact the shop for a project supply list.

Dates: June 19 & 20

Time: 9:30am – 2pm

We can help with overnight accommodations for the Wool Crazy Class, for those of you who will be coming from out of town. Please contact the Shop at primitivegatheringsquiltshop@yahoo.com.


We hope you are able to attend at least one of these awesome classes with us this year!  Have an amazing day!


Primitive Gatherings Quilt Shop


Sale in Honor of National Quilting Day March 17th



Did you know that only 27 years ago the first National Quilting Day Resolution was started?  It all began with the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society.  The Quilt Society had organized a “Quilters Day Out” back in 1989 which was to be held the third Saturday of March each year, and when the National Quilting Association heard about it they fell in love with the idea.  So, when the 22nd Annual Show of the National Quilting Association met in Lincoln, Nebraska in June of 1991, a resolution was passed to establish a National Quilting Day.  And so it was designated to be National Quilting Day every third Saturday in March.  And it just so happens to be St. Patricks Day this year as well, so there is a party going on some where, why not make it a Quilting Party!

In HONOR of National Quilting we have a few promotions going on that we would like to share with you.  Since it is National Quilting Day we are celebrating by passing along a 20% discount on all in stock, full price quilt kits! Your choice, Big or Small, Medium or in between!  Our only exclusion is that it can not have wool on it.  This promotion begins TODAY and ends March 18th at midnight!  These are just a few of the awesome quilt kits that you could be giving a good home too.

Middle Child Fabric Web
Middle Child From Flannel Gatherings Book
Granite Peak


Cornered Nine Patch flat-550x550
Cornered Nine Patch-no triangle paper needed for this little miniature.


Because we have so many quilts for you to choose from, in different sections of the website, the discount WILL NOT show up on your order, we will manually have to do this promotion for you and will be refunding you and letting you know how much your refund is once we have completed your order.  Please be patient with us, unfortunately this isn’t a perfect system and sometimes we have to do things manually because the computer would go on overload and probably blow up if we tried to do this promotion with the computers help.   Computers are suppose to make our lives so much easier, but sometimes they don’t right?


We were also able to snag up a bunch of these Red Moda Clipboard Quilters Sets.  These include a Clipboard, Grid paper to map out your next quilt, 6 pencils and 8-1.5″ Binder Clips.  These are perfect for when you are trying to organize your thoughts, keeping fabric swatches together and making up your next quilt or block.  Only $17.00 for this package set, regularly $20.00.  After Sunday March 18th the price will go back up to $20.00.


Now its time to have some fun.  Take a peak around at our website, find that quilt that you have had your eye on for a while, or look to see if you can find a new project that strikes your fancy! I know there are a bunch on there that I would love to get my hands on and make.  Now is the time!

Have a Beautiful week/weekend quilting!


Primitive Gatherings Quilt Shop











I told you so…..


Last week I said I know that there is going to be a snowstorm; well the weather decided to prove me right quicker than I thought it would.  We are in a Winter Weather Advisory, telling us that there could be 4-7 inches of snow coming with strong winds.  I know that is not a ton of snow, but when there is nothing left, I don’t want it to turn into a Winter Wonderland….again.  I am ready for the flowers and the sun, and good weather!  Its going to continue to snow all day long, so why don’t I have a little fun and tell you about a couple NEW projects that we have out.

Little Gatherings the Book features all of these miniature quilts. Only one box left! Snap up your copy today!

Some of  you have seen them, and some might be new to you.  We are down to our last box of Little Gatherings Books and have decided to pattern the miniature quilts individually.  All but 2 patterns will come with the triangle papers needed to make each quilt, the two that do not come with the triangle papers will tell you in their description.  Triangle papers are not provided in these patterns because they need almost a whole package of papers. We only have a few kits of each of these available in there ORIGINAL fabrics, so make sure to scoop these up!

Royal Star flat-550x550
Royal Star-Reminds me of something you would see in the night skies of Star Wars! I LOVE all the colors mixed together like this


Double Bear Paw flat-350x350-1
Double Bear Paw-There is just something about Bear Paws that I love, and the gold and brown is so yummy!
Triangle Parade Flat-550x550
Triangle Parade-Triangles, Triangles, Triangles! Making these 1/2 square triangles is easy with our Triangle papers!
Flower Baskets flat-550x550
Flower Baskets-only 3 kits left!
Out on a Limb flat-550x550
Out on a Limb-Such and awesome saying! Why not go out on a limb and try something new?
Antique Star Flower flat-550x550
Antique Star Flower-Don’t you just love the crisp white in this quilt?
Cornered Nine Patch flat-550x550
Cornered Nine Patch-no triangle paper needed for this little miniature.
Checkered Past flat-550x550
Checkered Past-Don’t you just love all the colors in this one? The blue border just finishes it all up beautifully.


Rail Fence flat-550x550
Rail Fence-Only 3 more in existence! And it comes with a little surprise……with your left overs you can make a baby from this baby!


I hope you stay warm and cozy today where ever you are.  I am going to be doing computer work so that I don’t have to venture out into the snow until it is time to go home, and for me to curl up in front of the fireplace!  I love my little space heater under my desk!


Primitive Gatherings


Its beginning to look a lot like Spring Time…

Ok, can I honestly say that here in Wisconsin?  You bet I can, its been in the 40’s this past week! I know I am in for a HUGE disappointment when that snow storm comes through. No we don’t have one predicted yet, be lets face it we all know it is coming! I have seen it snow in MAY!! Yes, thats right I said MAY! So I need to do all that I can to think “SPRING!”  Nothing is better then, than finding a bunch of fun wools, threads and fabrics to play with; so when that snow does actually come through I am prepared and ready to have some FUN!

There is no need to wait on the snow for some of these goodies.  We have put together a great little set of Valdani #12 perle cottons, cause there is never enough threads to go around.  These would be fun threads for your pastel wools, or to do some fun embroidery stitches with.  Embellishments on your wool projects would look stunning in these lighter colors in our Easter Thread Collection. We also have our Wool Crazy Thread pack that would be just as versatile as the 6 pack.  We love these lighter colors on the the darker backgrounds because when you put that much into all your crazy stitches and embroidery, you want to show it off.

Do you need some wool to go along with these threads?  Or looking to do some of those cute easter eggs you see everywhere all over Facebook and Pinterest this time of year? We have the pattern AND the wool to help you!  We have Bundles, Charms, Scrap bags and more!

Did you see this pattern???? It is absolutely positively adorable! If you have some one that you give a little gift to for Easter or just because this Spring, think about putting it into one of these little I’M ALL EARS bags! These bags are 5″x 7″x 2″ and will fit all kinds of goodies! Pattern Only $5.00, we also have fabric bundles that will allow you to make 2 bags for $5.00….so a total of $10.00 for kit and pattern!!!!


Also did you see the STITCH HAPPENS? How awesome would this look hanging in your sewing room.  At 37″x 40″ it will be able to hang just about any where.  We are hoping to make a kit out of it soon but wanted to share the pattern with you right away because we think it is amazing! Pattern only $10.00.


And if you are not following along and doing the Garden Mystery Blog Hop Blocks, you need to take a peak at Lisa’s up on her Blog TODAY!  We are WK4, you can still join in! Grow Block Web

If you are looking for anything else that is Spring, we have put a few other Favorites of ours up under the NEW section on our Website.  We have our own little category for our Favorite Spring time patterns, notions, fabrics, wools, and threads, so check it out!


We hope you have a beautiful weekend,
